Helene BOLVIG [Parents] 1 was born 2, 3, 4, 5 on 26 Mar 1779 in Laholm, Hallands län, Sverige. She was christened 2, 5 on 28 Mar 1779 in Laholm, Hallands län, Sverige. She died on 14 May 1816 in Skt. Petri, København, København, Danmark. She was buried on 17 May 1816 in Skt. Petri, København, København, Danmark. Helene married 6 Heinrich Ludwig REDEL on 07 May 1809 in Frederiksberg, København, København, Danmark.
B Searched Frederiksberg 1788-1790. Nix. Probably Sweden, since her probable sister (other wife of her husband) was born there.
M Marriage found on FHL 48,185 Frederiksberg, Kobenhavn, DK parish records. Her husband married what was probably her sister. This (apparently the same) Magdalena appears as a witness on one of the children's christening records.
-- Found in IGI a christening 13 Jul 1787 (quite a few years off, but the same year as her husband) of a "Lena Bollvig" in Dalby, Malmöhus, Sweden, sealed to parents only 4 Nov 1992 JRIVE. Britt-Marie says that "Lena" could mean Magdalena, but that is not at all common, but it is actually short for Helene. Also, it is possible that "Lena" could appear in a birth record as a full name.
-- To find her in Sweden, as well as her sister?, go to Sweden to Stockholm and the biggest cities. First find out if Bolwig is a German or a Swedish name. If German, go to the biggest cities and to the German churches in those cities to look for her birth and that of her sister?. Checked on the name. There are a few Bolwig's in Germany, but by far, the greatest number of people with the surname is in Denmark. Although this woman's sister was born in Sweden, I suspect their family originates in Denmark. Scandinavians would travel from country to country looking for work, which was no big deal. Probably no emigration/immigration records exist for intra-Scandinavian moves, either. Checked 1994 addendum for name also. 3 occurrences total found in Germany in IGI in Stettin, Pommern in Sankt Jakob and Sankt Gertrud. Checked for emmigration to DK. Nix. Also the name Bolwig occurs quite frequently in Denmark. Also occurs in Sweden, however.
-- New IGI test database: Possibly have found the family in Sweden. Found parents Anders Bollvig and Anna Margareta Reuterberg having children in Laholm, Halland, Sweden. The birth of this Ellena is same year as calculated birth year from marriage? age of our person, 1779. Also, there is a Magdalena, her sister in Sweden (estimated birth date is only 2 yrs. off from one in Sweden), which would match up with Heinrich Ludwig Redel's 2nd wife, Magdalena Bolvig (in her marriage record in Copenhagen, she is said to have been born in Sweden). Assumption is that HLR may have married sisters. In christening records of kids of Helene and HLR, Magdalena Bolvig is listed as a witness, and he later marries Magdalena Bolvig after death of his 1st wife, Helene. Bolvig is not a very common name. The liklihood that this isn't the family seems somewhat low. The items that should be checked are:
-- Check for births of children to get more info on family.
-- Check for marriage of parents.
-- Look for deaths of family members in parish records after 1779 to see if Ellena died before the proper time and couldn't be our person. Actually, there is a cross next to her birth record in the parish registers. Often (though not always) this meant that the person died as a child. Since there is no date, it could have been any time, however, as I have often seen this before in European records, where the person lived to be an adult. It is possible that word of her death in Denmark came to the priest in Sweden.
-- Check for probate records in Sweden. Law was that everyone was supposed to have a will, but in reality, probably only one sixth did.
-- Check town and other records from the locality.
-- Check for death records of parents of Swedish family in Copenhagen.
-- Check probate records in Denmark to see if the Bolvig's family is mentioned. This would definitely cinch it.
-- Check husförhörslängder and inn- and uttflyttede in the parish (also for Reuterberg family) in Sweden to see if the family could be found. Records don't exist until 1803 at the earliest for these types of records (the family might have moved earlier), but all avenues should be checked: Husförhörslängder 1806-1833, FHL 134316, 1803 on 919994:4 for the city of Laholm. Also, moving records 1808-1811, FHL 134301:1.
-- Check other levels of jurisdiction for Swedish locality also.
-- See sister's notes and find her marriage record in Copehagen. This is extremely important. Find marriage age somehow. Search IGI for her other two sisters' marriages in Copenhagen to help cinch -- SRE, 22 July 2002.
-- Checked from time of Helene's birth in Laholm parish records (both land- and stadsförsamling records are together during this time) until May 1809, the time of her marriage in Copenhagen, to see if our Laholm person perhaps died during that period, but found nothing. Checked also index to husförhörslängder 1803-1823 for the city and found nothing. Checked line-by-line husförhörslängd for 1806 for country and found nothing. The family must have moved by this time, which is consistent with their being in Copenhagen, at least part of them. Also searched and found parents' marriage, just before Helene's birth. Searched for her mother's birth 1850-1851, but found nothing. Found death of sister, Botilla, just a year after birth. The only Reuterberg that was found while searching the records (except index to husförhörslängder) was a Christina Reuterberg, d. 22 Jun 1785, bur 26 Jun, widow from Ebbarps Hus?, aged 84 years (i.e., b. 1701). Also, there was a Bengta Reuteberg from Årnaberg, who was listed as a witness on the christening record of one of Helene's siblings. There was a Helene Bolvig b. 1796, but the parents are not correct. The father's name, though the same, is a different person with a different occupation (according to birth record of child). I checked for a marriage record for the later one (suspecting Anders was married twice), but couldn't find anything. Nor did I find a death record for his wife, Anna Margareta. There was an Anders Bolvig who died 29 Jan 1790, and was bur. 3 Feb. He could have been the father of this family, as his occupation was the same, but he was age 64 in 1790, which would have made his wife a lot younger than he was (she was born 1750/1751, calculated from age at time of births of children). It is definitely possible, though. In Botille's death record, just a few months later (4 Oct 1790), however, it did not mention that her father was deceased -- SRE, 23 Jul 2002.
-- EVIDENCE: Most of what I have is circumstantial evidence for this connection so far. I want to write out the logic I see so far, to keep track of possibilities. Heinrich Ludwig Redel marries Helene Bolvig in Copenhagen. They have several children, and one witness found in their christening records is Magdalena Bolvig, presumably a relative of Helene. The closer the relationship, the more likely. Though Magdalena could be an aunt, mother, or cousin, it seems more probable that she would be a sister. Helene dies a few years after they marry, and Heinrich Ludwig Redel shows up marrying again, in another Copenhagen parish, this time to Magdalena Bolvig, hardly a coincidence. He is listed as a widower. If they are related, HLR is more likely to marry someone close to his wife's age, i.e., it doesn't seem likely that Magdalena would be a mother or aunt (unless a young aunt). Still, I would bet first on a sister than another relationship. In the second marriage, HLR is listed as having been born in Spandau [Germany], and Magdalena in Sweden. Whatever the relationship between Helene and Magdalena, if related, it is possible to assume they might have come from the same place, i.e., Sweden. We have Helene's age from her death, which puts her birth at 1779. I checked the new test IGI for a Helene Bolvig born 1779 in Sweden, with a sister Magdalena. I found one that scenario this time. Magdalena's birth year was only 2 yrs off of my estimated date. On checking the county they came from, Halland, it was noted to be on the west coast, about as close to Denmark as you can get. Since the name Bolvig is not very common, and because all these other circumstantial pieces of evidence fit, it would be strange if this were not the right connection. All possibilities need to be exhausted, however -- SRE, 23 Jul 2002.
-- Things still to check: Check Danish censuses online to see if can find either Anders Bolvig or Anna Margareta Reuterberg as head of household in Denmark, hopefully in Copenhagen area, with children they had in Sweden. If found, this would basically prove the theory. Also, look very carefully at the church records associated with Heinrich Ludwig Redel and his families. Re-examine recs, for example, in the christening record of Helene Christiane Rødel, dau. of Heinrich Ludwig Redel and Helene Bolvig, the first witness is listed as Magdalena Bolvig, and some type of relationship is mentioned -- SRE, 23 Jul 2002.
-- Just have been examining this note with Magdalena as a witness. It looks like it says "Magdalena Bolvig, verst. Schneidermeister Tochter" = "Magdalena Bolvig, deceased master tailor's daughter". This is an extremely interesting clue, since the Anders Bolvig in Sweden is listed as a tailor (skräddar) in records, and in the death record of the Anders Bolvig (presumably the same one) who died in 1790 says he was a "Skräddarmeister", or master tailor. Also, in marriage record of Magdalena and Heinrich Ludwig Redel, she is again mentioned as the "deceased master tailor's daughter," and that she was "born in Sweden". This seems obviously to be the same person as the one mentioned in the christening record with HLR's and Helena's child. Less and less room for doubt -- 24 Jul 2002.
-- Checked and found a will for Anna Margareta Reuterberg yesterday. This is definitely the right connection. The will mentioned all the children of Anders Bolvig and Anna Margareta Reuterberg by name (except Botilla, who died at age 1), where they were, the fact that Helene had gone to Copenhagen (also Magdalena and Anna Christine) and married, that Helene was deceased and had four surviving children. So this is a 100% connection now. There is one remaining problem, and that is that there are at least two Anders Bolvig's, (both tailors) in this town around the same time, possibly more. There are two wills, one for Anders (married to Elna Brockman) and another for Anna Maria Reutersberg (married to an Anders Bolvig). We know for sure that our person was married in 1779; that his wife died in January of 1818; the names of his children and details concerning them. The Anders in the other will (the one who I'm not sure is ours) was married to Elna Brockman. His will was written in 1778, but it is not known when it was executed. The Anders Bolvig who died in 1790 would have been 25 years older than Anna Margareta Reutersberg. That Anders also mentioned a son Anders in his will, who would have been 12 in 1778. That one doesn't seem like ours either, because he would have been 13 when married to Anna Maria Reutersberg, who was 28, in 1779. Though also possible, this seems unlikely. Our Anders was mentioned in his marriage record as being a tailor, and wouldn't this have been unusual for a 13-year old to already have an occupation? Is it possible our Andreas had two families, and that his first wife died? That both Anders as the same man? Records should be checked for death of Elna Brockman in Laholm from 1778-1779 (1778 is when the (first?) Anders drew up his will (in which his wife, Elna Brockman is mentioned), and 1779 is when our Anders married Anna Margareta Reutersberg). It seems logical that our Anders might have been the one who died in 1790 since I checked all death records from 1779 up to 1809 and didn't find an Anders Bolvig in any other death record. It would also fall in line with information we have regarding his death. He was deceased by 29 Apr 1816, in which Magdalena appears as a witness in the christening record of Helena Christiane Rødel, child of Henrich Ludwig Redel and Helene Bolvig. She is said to be the daughter of a deceased tailor. So what now needs to be checked is:
-- Translate the will to glean as much information as possible to add to our known facts. Index to wills is found on FHL 919994:5. Actual will is found on FHL 188640, 1818, v. 9, p. 425. The other Andreas (with wife Elna Brockman) is found on FHL 188638, 1778, v. 6, p. 575. There were no other Bolvig's or Reuterberg's in index.
-- Check for death of Elna Brockman in Laholm after 1778.
-- Check citizenship records of Laholm for all these people, to see if there is more info on how they fit in, FHL 219655:2.
-- Possibly check Småprotokoll, 1634-1850, FHL 188630-4, 219657 for guardian accounts, marriage settlements, mortgage records, other court papers.
-- Check censuses during this time period for Laholm. These are found under the county, Halland. This is one of the best bets, since it will hopefully show a good part of the family. During certain years, only those ages 13-63? were mentioned on census, so be careful to check as many as possible to get an accurate picture of family.
-- Check Copenhagen 1801 census index for info on Helene, her sisters, or her husband Heinrich Ludwig Redel's family. See if her family is in Copenhagen yet, or if Heinrich's father and other relatives are there, and if either HB or HLR has other relatives from Sweden or Germany living with or near them -- SRE, 27 Jul 2002.
-- Checked citizenship records, FHL 219655:2. Unfortunately, there is a gap for the critcal period, 1729-1850. Also, it appears only the names of the citizens are given, with no further information -- SRE, 30 Jul 2002.
-- Checked "Register to Copenhagens porbate records" with subject heading of "Denmark, København, København - Probate records - indexes." This is not an index per se, but just a guide to finding the records. It may be worth checking some day, though it is very lengthy, and it would be hard to determine which ones ancestors would have been in -- SRE, 30 Jul 2002.
-- Checked 1801 census index to Copenhagen and didn't find any occurrences of our Bolvig family or of Helene's husband, Henrich Ludwig Redel. There was a Helene Bolvig 4 years old only. There were some Redel families (under various spellings, e.g., Rihdel, Ridel, Redel, Rydahl, Rødohl, Rødel, Riedel, etc.), especially in Sankt Anna Vester Quarter, as well as Øster Quarter, but didn't appear to be related -- SRE, 30 Jul 2002.
-- Check book INTL 948.64 P29c Calendar to Hök district, Halland County, Sweden wills -- SRE, 31 Jul 2002.
-- In christening records of children of Anna Margareta Reutersberg and Anders Bolvig, these are places where witnesses came from: Leyeby, Årneberga. Many witnesses are tailors -- SRE, 31 Jul 2002.
-- http://www.bukefalos.com/f/archive/index.php/t-852151.html is the only URL that has the name Årneberga, and it appears to belong to Laholm, SRE, 12 Mar 2014.
-- Leyeby appears also in only one web page: http://aforum.genealogi.se/discus/messages/44/31834.html?1381571705. The web page or forum is entitled Anbytarforum -> Landskap -> Halland -> Socknar -> Laholms landsförsamling, and Leyeby appears to be part of Laholms lanförsamling, perhaps also Årneberga (if Årnaberga is not part of the landsförsamling, then perhaps part of the statsförsamling, then it is : "Christer Arvidsson: Hej Britt Marie Andreasson! Jag har följt din diskussion ovan, och kan tillägga för undvikande av misstag en avskrift av ingressen till Sven Uddmans bou: "Laholms Rådhusrätt år 1795, d 14 april (sid 565) förrättades af Magistraten i Laholm Laga Boförtekning efter afledna Borgaren Suen Uddman, som efter sig lämnat Enkan hustru Kirstin Erics dr, och 2ne barn, Skomakarelärlingen Peter 19, dottern Kirstin 22 år gammal, Närwarande Enkan och bemte hennes Barn, samt å dess .... wägnar Borgaren Gunne Uddman och åboen Olof Jönsson i Leyeby, at såsom deras faderbröder dess omyndigas rätt bewaka och påse. ... osv". Alltså bör du koncentrera dig på det andra spåret, det som Britt-Marie Nordin föreslår ovan. MVH Christer Arvidsson".
-- Began checking censuses today. They are wonderful records, and take place every five to ten years, going back to the 1600's. I looked at 1785, 1790, and 1810 this time. In 1810, Anna Margareta was living with a shoemaker Wallgren, apparently the same one mentioned in her will. She was a widow at that point. Children are mentioned in the earlier two, and so this is definitely the family. It seems the head of household listed is the wife, Anna Margareta Reutersberg, possibly because he was "over-age". Those who were over or under age (over 63 or under 13?) are usually not mentioned by name, but can still be found on the census. In 1785, though, our Anders would have been under 63 still, so was it different age during this time period or in this locality? The 1790 census seems to show Anders Bolvig as still alive (the one who died in 1790 at age 64 (calculated birth year 1726), though we show him having died 29 Jan 1790. It is possible that the census taker came before that date. Also, the burial of record of his daughter, Botilla in Oct of 1790 says that her father is deceased. It seems that not only is there nothing directly contradictory to ours being the one who died in 1790, the facts seem to be pointing to it. In fact, had a look at the 1795 census quickly, and Anna Margareta Reuterberg was found, listed as a widow. I don't see any other possibility -- SRE, 31 Jul 2002.
-- Check more censuses (especially 1795, 1800, 1805, which cover the time of existence of the family; 1726-1750, annually, also 1755, 1760, 1764, 1768, 1772, 1778, which cover the lifetime of Anders Bolvig) to cover entire period of their lives and relatives' lives. Look for other Bolvig's and Reuterberg's, especially the other Andreas/Anders Bolvig. Was he perhaps the same one as ours, just married to another woman, and having another family? -- SRE, 31 Jul 2002.
-- Have wills and portions of census that are not decipherable looked at by Swedish reference or catalogers to get all pertinent facts -- SRE, 31 Jul 2002.
-- Have thought more about Anders Bolvig and how many there were. I checked more census years and other years. The 1790 census apparently shows him as still being alive. In the death record of his youngest daughter, Botilla, in the same year, her father is listed as deceased already. This nails down our person as the one having died in 1790, and therefore, the one who was born in 1726. Checked earlier census records, as well. Since his family was begun in 1779, the 1785 entry shows most of his family. The one previous to that for Laholm city, is 1772. Interestingly, there is an Anders Bolvig in what appears to be the same house (#94), along with some Brockmans/Bråckmans in the house. Also, Anders' last name is listed as Bolderius. This really made me wonder. There were not two Anders Bolvig's in the same house, as if one were a parents of the other. There was just one. Checked wills again. Death of Anders was not mentioned; actually the wives died in both cases. I wondered again if this Anders was the same one married earllier to Brockman. This prompted me to check for his Elina Brockman's death again. This time I found it. She died in early 1778. Also checked earlier censuses. Apparently the same house (#94) through the years was Anders' place until 1750, when Anders Olsson Brockman was listed as head of household, with daughter Elina. In 1755, Anders Brockman, his daughter, Elina, and her husband, Anders Bolvig, all are listed, with relationships clearly mentioned. It became obvious through all this that Anders Bolvig (also listed Boldvin and Bollderius in these earlier censuses) had married Elina Brockman, lived with her father, had children, his wife died in 1778, he remarried in 1779 and had a second family in old age, and then died himself in 1790. Only one Ander with two families. His second wife died in 1818. Several of his daughters moved to Copenhagen. There ia another Anders having children in Laholm in the 1790's, but this must be his son, Anders, by his first marriage -- SRE, 01 Aug 2002.
-- Halland was part of Denmark until 1680 -- SRE, 01 Aug 2002.